A Prepositional Shift
by Diana Laufenberg
A few weeks ago I got to see Diana Laufenberg speak at the Gold Coast Cue Tech Fair. Her keynote was full of great ideas but this one stood out to me. It’s surprising how small shift in prepositions can help reframe how you plan a lesson.
10 Commandments of Innovative Teaching
by AJ Juliani
10 great tips for any teacher who is looking to innovate in their classroom. I suggest reading and really thinking about number the 4th Commandment.
7 Things “Star Wars” Taught Me About Productivity
by James Altucher
An interesting read about how you can adopt the way of the Jedi into your life.
Avoiding “Learned Helplessness”
by Andrew Miller
Some great tips on how to turn your students into self directed learners.
I’ll admit it…I’m a spreadsheet dork. I can’t wait to use this tool. It helps import data from one spreadsheet to another!