Book Recommendations

As a kid I was never an avid reader. As I’ve grown older I have started to finally understand why my teachers pushed reading and have been trying to read at least 1 book per month. Below are a few of my favorite books that I would recommend for teachers and administrators to check out.

Books about Leadership

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How Google Works
by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg

A look into the practices that have made Google the powerhouse company that it is today.

The Best Place to Work
by Ron Friedman

A scientific look into the science behind creating a great work environment.

Creative Confidence by Tom and David Kelley

A look into how to design thinking can be used to push innovation.

by Daniel Pink

Ever wonder what really motivates people? In this book Daniel Pink breaks down some of the science and surprises about what actually motivates people.


Books about Creativity

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The War of Art
by Steven Pressfield

A look at how resistance keeps people from accomplishing their goals.


Die Empty
by Todd Henry

A practical guide of tips on how to ensure that you work to your fullest creative potential every day.

A Whole New Mind
by Daniel Pink

Daniel Pink breaks down why the concepts of design, story, symphony, empathy, play, and meaning are important in modern society.

Show Your Work
by Austin Kleon

A great quick read about the importance of sharing your work with the public.


Books about Other Topics

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Shouting Won’t Grow Dendrites
by Maria Tate

One of my favorite books about classroom management.

Show and Tell
by Dan Roam

A book about the art of creating effective presentations.

The Back of The Napkin
by Dan Roam

A book about the importance of visual problem solving.

by John Layman and Rob Guillory

So technically this isn’t a book about work but it’s still one of my favorite reads. Make sure to pay attention to the background in the panels. Lots of fun subtle jokes.



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