I’m sure we have all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. With ThingLink a picture can be worth a thousand words, three videos, two links, and three text excerpts from a website.
ThingLink is a free online program that allows users to create interactive images. Interactive images are images that contains tags that link to additional information. Tags can be links to more information, text, music, or videos. Creating ThingLinks are a great way to help students explain and visualize concepts. Below is a sample ThingLink (link).
If you register an account before the end of December ThingLink is offering FREE Premium EDU accounts (a $250 value). If you already have a ThingLink account you can upgrade by sending an email to education@thinglink.com. Write ThingLink EDU Campaign in the subject line and in the body simply put #premium.
Ps ThingLink has a free Android and iOS app. 😉
PPS Thanks Steven Anderson (@web20classroom for sharing about the free upgrade! Read Steven’s post about Thing Link by clicking here.)