Google Sheets for Administrators – =Average, =Averageif, and = Averageifs

At this year’s CUE Spring Conference I will be presenting on how administrators can use Google Sheets to collect, organize, and share data with their school community. You can learn more about my presentation by clicking here. Over the next few weeks, I am going to be posting some of the resources and ideas that I will be sharing at the conference.

“What is your school’s average score on the SBAC?”

“What is the average score for your second grade

” What is the average for the 10th gradres
in your second period?”

If you have ever been asked these questions than this blog post is for you. Using the =average formula and two variations of it you can easily find the data you are looking for.

The table below breaks down the different average formulas you can use to find averages, what each one is used for, shares the syntax for writing the formula and gives an example formula.

What is it used for?
Example Formula
=averageFinding the average of a range.

e.g. Find the average for all of your students
=average(range you want to average)=AVERAGE(G:G)
=averageifFind the average of a range based on a certain criteria.

E.g. Find the average for your Period 1 students
=averageif(the range where your criteria is, “the criteria you are looking for”, the range you want to average)=AVERAGEIF(F:F, “2”,G:G)
=averageifsFind the average of a range based on multiple criteria.

E.g. Find the average for your 11th Grade Period 1 students
=averageifs(The range you want to average, the range where your first criteria is, “your first criteria”, the range where your second criteria is, “your second criteria”)

You can add more criteria to the formula by continuing the range where the criteria is and “criteria” pattern.

In the videos below I’ll show you how to write each of the three formulas and explain how you can use them as a school administrator or teacher.




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